This summer looked a little different than past summers, but it was still good nonetheless!!
Let's get into those pictures!!
Went on a spontaneous hike:

Took my senior pictures:

Went to Target for the first time since quarantine ( and quickly realized my mask slipped whenever I tried to talk!! Don't worry I got a better one! )

Roadtrip! We stopped to tour the University of Arkansas and then Dallas to visit some pals from camp.

Celebrated my 18th birthday!!

Rescued the cutest kitty, who we named George. George is now living his best life at my friend's house!

My friends threw me a surprise birthday party!!

Organized and updated my Spotify!

Day trip to Duluth, Minnesota!

Don't forget that this is just a highlight reel, so you aren't seeing the not so fun parts of my summer, like college applications and homework.
I hope each of you are staying safe and healthy!
Lots of love,